In this article we would like to introduce you to one of the most emblematic and not-to-be-missed trails that you need to try, whether it’s your first time visiting Llobregat Delta or not. It involves visiting Maresma de Les Filipines which can be reached by walking approximately 2 km by l’Estany del Braç de la Vidala. There you will find the Maresma and Bassa dels Pollancres lookouts, perfect areas for birdwatching or taking pictures of the birds, if you prefer. We specifically recommend this trail because it’s easy to see all of the aquatic birds such as grey herons, ducks, egrets, etc.

The Remolar and Las Filipines trail is approximately 4.7 km long and does not have any geographically difficult areas, so it’s suitable for the whole family!

There is a parking located just off the freeway which is marked on the following map. Although there is another parking area within the natural habitat, if you choose to park there you’ll miss out on a great walk with spectacular views!

If you’ve decided to try out our suggested itinerary, don’t miss the other posts we’ll prepare for you about the Delta’s Fauna and Flora. If you get subscribed, you’ll receive the pots directly to your mail box.

Delta Service Information

Llobregat Delta Natural Park Llobregat Delta Consortium

Av. Onze de Setembre, 73 – 75 El Prat de Llobregat, 08820

Phone: 93 479 32 01

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