What a desire to travel! And it is that after having passed a pandemic and having respected the restrictions, the desire to travel has only increased! Now, at last, we have more freedom to visit other countries, cities, and towns; and we have the opportunity to do so by practicing tourism responsibly and sustainably! Yeah , we are talking about sustainable tourism. Do you know what it is?
According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), sustainable tourism is “one that takes full account of current and future economic, social and environmental impacts to meet the needs of visitors, industry, the environment and the host communities “. Thus, we understand sustainable tourism as a project that must optimize environmental resources (in the ecological field), that must protect the local culture (in the social and cultural field) and that must distribute fairly the economic gains among the whole community (in the economic sphere)!
Did you know that, as a user, you can do many things to contribute to sustainable tourism?

Do you practice sustainable tourism?
What can you do to help sustain sustainable tourism?
Està clar, i ja ho hem pogut comprovar, que si no es gestiona bé el turisme, aquest pot tenir un impacte molt negatiu en les comunitats i els medis ambients locals que pot ser origen de problemes a llarg termini per als residents. És per això que hi ha un seguit d’accions que s’han de complir per poder fer ús de la paraula turisme sostenible. Tant els governs, les institucions com nosaltres, els usuaris, hem de passar a l’acció! Aquí et deixem un seguit de consells que pots posar en pràctica de forma individual:

Stay in efficient, eco-friendly and environmentally friendly hotels or hostels.

Get around on your bike, on foot, or on electric vehicles to make the least of your impact.

Get informed and respect the local culture of each city or town you visit.

Avoid printing tickets, routes, reservations or travel guides. Now you can carry everything on your mobile without wasting paper!

Consume water responsibly. There are countries that have very limited reserves.

Go to markets or restaurants that have local products and Km 0.

Try to visit cities or towns that are not overcrowded!

Always carry a garbage bag with you to avoid leaving waste in your path and respect the environment.
We hope that these tips have encouraged you to practice sustainable tourism wherever you want to travel! And remember that you can also use the Biosphere Finder to find the perfect destination to enjoy a holiday without increasing the ecological footprint!
Can you think of more actions that can have a positive impact on your site? If so, feel free to let us know!