This week we start an incredible adventure! And we want to share with you our emotion,… we start the Centre Esplai expanding works!
Centre Esplai was inaugurated in 2007. It doesn’t only have Fundesplai‘s offices. It includes a hostel, training classrooms, an auditorium and a garden area, too. Since then, Fundesplai has increased the number of beneficiaries achieving more than 100.000 people in 2019! So, due to the increase of activity, we are now expanding the facilities to boost our children, youth, families, third sector and social and environmental transformation programs.
The project is fully supported by the Prat de Llobregat City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya. The project has a global budget of € 17.2 million, which Catalan Institute of Finance and the Triodos Bank will finance with a credit that Fundesplai will return over the next 12 years.
Are you ready to see which new things are we going to do?

1. Hostel Expansion
The area that will include the Hostel expansion is about 5.300m². On the first floor, we will build 50 new accessible and sustainable rooms for individual stayings or for groups. On the ground floor we will have a reception desk and lobby, a meeting room and, of course, a recreational zone!
2. Educational training center
This new area will have a surface of 1.400m². There will be a reception desk and lobby, a teachers’ lounge and offices, 14 new classrooms, an agora for 100 people and a warehouse. That’s how we will be able to offer innovative training in new skills, create knowledge and improve accompaniament process in social inclusion.
3. Multifuncional space
The Multifunctional space will be an área of 4.300m². On the first floor, you will find the seating area, the activity rooms and some new facilities. On the ground floor will be a multifunctional room, a reception desk, a bar and more activity rooms. There also will be a basement with more activity rooms, a locker room and a warehouse. So it will be a big multifunctional space where we will organize very different kind of events (sports, cultural, etc).
4. Park
It will be a new ludic and educational area that will have a surface of 1,7 hectares. It will offer playroom areas, educational areas and citizen science spaces. This project will simulate different natural spaces and habitats of the Llobregat river, from its source in Castellar de N’Hug until its river mouth in Delta del Llobregat.
The forecast of the works calendar goes from March 2020, when we made the act of laying the first stone, until October 2021, which is when we will inaugurate the Multifunctional Space.

With this expansion project, Fundesplai strengthens its commitment to improve San Cosme neighborhood and we join the coordinated action of social agents, the public administration and community entities. In addition, it offers us the opportunity to enjoy a territory surrounded by natural areas of grat interest – such as the Delta del Llobregat – and which, at the same time, is located at the core of the new centrality that gives it proximity to the airport, the railroad and the main road axes.